In the list of that involves people in the hiking, the important place occupies possibility to feel feeling of autonomy and self-sufficiency, to feel being in "Open Space" - in literal and metaphorical sense. But for the overwhelming majority hikers is only time condition for the sake of which achievement they change the habitual lifestyle that after campaign end to come back in the ordinary inhabitancy. Therefore hikers it is always especially interesting to get acquainted with a lifestyle of those people for which the similar condition became not so "time", and "a constant" lifestyle. We do not speak here about professionals for whom tourism became a field of activity, allowing to earn on life and benefiting other people. It will be a question of others. More low the short survey of curious world outlooks and a selection of reference materials for more profound acquaintance.
Naturism, nudists, "savages"
Naturism - one of the modern world outlook currents, which basic idea - the maximum approach of the person to the nature for body and spirit improvement.
Savages - it is formal, it is the human civilisation standing at a low step of development, in a primeval condition. However from an easy hand of some writers this word began to be used in metaphorical sense for a world outlook designation, in something close to a naturism.
Normally it is considered that hippies trust in following positions:
The person should befree;
To reach freedom it is possible, only having changed an inner system of soul;
Acts of internally unchained person are defined by aspiration to preserve the freedom as the greatest jewelry;
The beauty and freedom are identical each other and that realisation of that and another — purely spiritual problem;
All who divide told above, form a spiritual community;
Spiritual community — the ideal form of a hostel;
The Communard (with reference to a theme of our site) is the person who is the participant of a modern commune-settlement.