canton of Clermont-l'Hérault (canton de Clermont-l'Hérault)
- canton of France
- Country:
- Capital: Clermont-l'Hérault
- Coordinates: 43° 37' 0" N, 3° 26' 0" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 629.65 sq km
- Population: 44632
- Wikipedia en: wiki(en)
- Wikipedia: wiki(fr)
- Wikidata storage: Wikidata: Q1556389
- Wikipedia Commons Category: [Link]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n88160720]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n88160720]
- INSEE canton code: [3406]
- INSEE canton code: [3406]