Fort-de-France (Fort-de-France)
- commune in Martinique, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 97234; 97200
- Coordinates: 14° 36' 0" N, 61° 5' 0" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- AboveSeaLevel: 1070 м m
- Area: 44.21 sq km
- Population: 82502
- Web site:
- Wikipedia en: wiki(en)
- Wikipedia: wiki(fr)
- Wikidata storage: Wikidata: Q81621
- Wikipedia Commons Category: [Link]
- Freebase ID: [/m/01lsnl]
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- Freebase ID: [/m/01lsnl]
- GeoNames ID: Alt: [3570675]
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- GND ID: Alt: [4214648-3]
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- GND ID: Alt: [4214648-3]
- GND ID: Alt: [4214648-3]
- GND ID: Alt: [4214648-3]
- GND ID: Alt: [4214648-3]
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- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
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- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
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- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
- archINFORM location ID: [4614]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n82000743]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- MusicBrainz area ID: [1d17f106-1280-4bfa-8809-bb140003f141]
- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
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- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
- WOEID: [110467]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- Quora topic ID: [Le-Fort-De-France-Martinique]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- SUDOC authorities ID: [029848539]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: [place/Fort-de-France]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Encyclopædia Universalis ID: [fort-de-france]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Facebook Places ID: [100241326684843]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID: [4731829]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- ISNI: Alt: [0000 0001 2205 2133]
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- INSEE municipality code: 97209
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
- US National Archives Identifier: 10044643
Shares border with regions:
- commune in Martinique, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 97250
- Coordinates: 14° 44' 20" N, 61° 7' 56" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 24.28 sq km
- Population: 790
- commune in Martinique, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 97233
- Coordinates: 14° 36' 58" N, 61° 6' 5" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 21.17 sq km
- Population: 19915
- Web site: [Link]
- commune in Martinique, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 97212
- Coordinates: 14° 40' 15" N, 61° 2' 17" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 43.29 sq km
- Population: 16494
Le Lamentin
- commune in Martinique, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 97232
- Coordinates: 14° 36' 55" N, 61° 0' 7" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 62.32 sq km
- Population: 40033
- Web site: [Link]