Agon-Coutainville (Agon-Coutainville)
- commune in Manche, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 50230
- Coordinates: 49° 2' 32" N, 1° 34' 36" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 12.35 sq km
- Population: 2796
- Web site:
- Wikipedia en: wiki(en)
- Wikipedia: wiki(fr)
- Wikidata storage: Wikidata: Q1001473
- Wikipedia Commons Category: [Link]
- Freebase ID: [/m/04drfg]
- Freebase ID: [/m/04drfg]
- GeoNames ID: Alt: [3038590]
- GeoNames ID: Alt: [3038590]
- SIREN number: [215000035]
- SIREN number: [215000035]
- BnF ID: [15261982b]
- BnF ID: [15261982b]
- VIAF ID: Alt: [137194092]
- VIAF ID: Alt: [137194092]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n79062540]
- Library of Congress authority ID: Alt: [n79062540]
- INSEE municipality code: 50003
- INSEE municipality code: 50003
Shares border with regions:
- commune in Manche, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 50200
- Coordinates: 49° 2' 46" N, 1° 32' 39" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 7.5 sq km
- Population: 787
- commune in Manche, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 50200
- Coordinates: 49° 4' 15" N, 1° 32' 25" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 4.01 sq km
- Population: 486
- commune in Manche, France
- Country:
- Postal Code: 50560
- Coordinates: 49° 4' 0" N, 1° 35' 1" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 11.6 sq km
- Population: 1634
- Web site: [Link]