Barmbek-Süd (Barmbek-Süd)
- district of the German city of Hamburg
- Country:
- Coordinates: 53° 34' 48" N, 10° 2' 26" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- AboveSeaLevel: 8 м m
- Area: 3.1 sq km
- Wikipedia en: wiki(en)
- Wikipedia: wiki(de)
- Wikidata storage: Wikidata: Q1140
- Wikipedia Commons Gallery: [Link]
- Wikipedia Commons Category: [Link]
- Wikipedia Commons Maps Category: [Link]
- VIAF ID: Alt: [241266836]
- archINFORM location ID: [44672]
Shares border with regions:
- quarter of the German city of Hamburg
- Country:
- Coordinates: 53° 33' 42" N, 10° 1' 15" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- AboveSeaLevel: 83 м m
- Area: 1.1 sq km
- Web site: [Link]