Straßgang (Straßgang)
- 16. district of Graz
- Country:
- Coordinates: 47° 1' 30" N, 15° 24' 28" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 11.75 sq km
- Wikipedia en: wiki(en)
- Wikipedia: wiki(de)
- Wikidata storage: Wikidata: Q179891
- Wikipedia Commons Category: [Link]
Shares border with regions:
- 17. district of Graz
- Country:
- Coordinates: 47° 1' 44" N, 15° 25' 34" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- Area: 6.18 sq km
- 5. district of Graz
- Country:
- Coordinates: 47° 3' 48" N, 15° 25' 43" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- 15. district of Graz
- Country:
- Coordinates: 47° 3' 24" N, 15° 23' 43" E
- GPS tracks (wikiloc): [Link]
- AboveSeaLevel: 362 м m